Dated Forever...... My days with Pooh !!!!
Pooh and I met by chance....one of those things in life that just happens with no explanations. You could call it destiny. Our friendship initially saw all the highs and all the lows ......and many a times it lay threatened on the brink of a breakdown following a stormy session of arguement. But we would come out of it....and on my part emerge even stronger with the bond growing even deeper.....and before long Pooh became an inseparable part of me and my life.....a friend sent in by God himself.....the one person I had always thirst for and so needed. I share the most amazing connectivity......call it a mental connection. I could hear....see....smell....touch.....and feel my friend even if thousands of miles stretch in between us. My day started and ended with Pooh.....my world was Pooh....my dreams were of Pooh. Such was my passion, loyalty and dedication involved in our friendship. We would laugh, cry , fight and then make up again. Days rolled out into months and months into years. I was happy in my small world and wanted nothing more. The more I gave in the friendship....the less it was I thought.....I needed to give more. It was the best phase of my life.....for I had a friend by my side, standing with me.....ONLY FOR ME. Then one day, a dark cloud , suddenly appeared on a beautiful bright blue sky.....threatening a down pour. I could feel the ground slipping from under my feet as I struggled to stand on my shaky legs ....tears rolled down my cheek.......I could see the dark cloud embracing Pooh.
As I stood and watched .....I was left with only one question in my mind ......What did I do to deserve this ???????