Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Medical Prayer.......

These are lines I took from a poster given to me by a medical representative friend..... I loved these wordings so much because it actually speaks what we doctors irrespective of which ever departments we belong to at some point of our lifes really feel while we treat our patients.......I qoute here......

"It is indeed a tragedy of circumstances My Lord,
that my livelihood involves meeting people with unbearable pain,
but also it is my good fortune the You have given me this excellent opportunity to
mitigate their sufferings and thus atone for whatever selfish interest I might have.
You have cast upon my shoulders this great responsibility and have given me dexterity to
do it.
Please grant me the strength , My God, to enable me to fulfil this task in all earnestness.
And yet , all the while , let me not ever forget that ultimately it is You , who is the real
great Healer and the Fountainhead of well being and that , I am merely a medium through
which your benovelence flows,
Oh, My Lord, bestow upon my patients thy healing touch........"

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