The question What is Time ??? has been debated for many generations. Science has its own definition in physics but philosophically , many argue that time is not a reality but a concept and may be an illusion.
I have often wondered too what could it really be. We wear it in our hands and yet we cannot hold it as it passes by and slowly slips away into eternity......and its amazing that as we look at the clock, the eternity is actually determined by the movements of the hour and second hands. Each second would turn into minutes .......and each minute would turn into hours .....finally into weeks , months and years. A four letter word that rules mankind and human civilization.....generation after generation......over which no one has control or can have a say . For a next door person like me .......I could easily classify time into good times and bad times..... times of anticipation......times of anguish...... time as a healer......times when I wished the clock would stop because I did not want those beautiful moments to end.......and again times when I wished the hands on my wrist watch would gallop away .....!!!! People would say , her/his time is good or bad meaning astrologically unfavourable........but then isn't that God's way of teaching us all the experiences of life, from which we could emerge a much more wiser and better human.????? I, like most of us, have often stood the test of time......and yes I have tried to come out from it stronger and may be also try to evolve into a better human......but one thing I firmly believe in, is you cannot stop time......what is to happen would happen any way...... So what do we do???? Flow with time......and let time decide for us.????
Beautifully written. Ever thought of taking up writing seriously Nitu????
brilliant piece ya...really anonymous is right.. u qualify well as a journo..this subject time..well..i recently read the book, the power of now, and that made me realise there is nothing called future or past, and everything is now..that makes time timeless..baapre too high philosophy,.lemme leave it here...
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